First Baptist Church Survey

Printed surveys are available in the church office.

A message from our Feasibility Committee:

The five members of this committee came to our first meeting not sure what our task was but knew God would lead us on the journey to discover where He planned for FBC Wiggins to go in the future. During one of our first meetings, we met with John Pace with the MS Baptist Convention and his first question was - "If you increase service attendance, is the rest of your facilities able to handle that increased attendance?" We realize we have to look at all of our facilities and resources beyond just the need for additional seats in the sanctuary. We all agreed immediately that we want to remain true to what and who we are at FBC Wiggins. We have a church family legacy here that has kept multiple generations of many families on track to worship together, encourage each member old and new through all our ups and downs, disciple others, and minister to ALL church family members and outreach beyond our families to others in the community.

To be able to develop a plan to continue that journey and then see that plan to completion, we need input from everyone. We won't be able to implement everything everyone wants but we want to look at all possible ideas and options and decide as a family our priorities. Your input on the following survey is the next critical piece of the puzzle we need to begin to put a plan together.