Adult Ministries
Discover life change through discipleship to Jesus.
Sunday school classes are the primary place where we connect with others, care for one another, grow as disciples, and live out the mission of God together in the world. We also offer additional adult ministries and for more information about a specific minsitry, please contact us.
Adult Sunday School
Sunday school classes are the primary place where we connect with others, care for one another, grow as disciples, and live out the mission of God together in the world.
Women’s Mission Union challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. The objectives of the Women’s Mission Union reflect a biblical understanding of missions and provide a holistic approach to mission awareness and participation.
Men’s Ministries
Men’s Ministry meets every third Sunday at 7 am for coffee and fellowship. Men’s ministry is a way for the men of the church to learn about and help with community needs, missions fundraising, and other outreach opportunities
Like the mission of Man Church, Men’s Ministry strives to create an environment where men can come together to encourage and sharpen one another through God’s Word.
Throughout the year, we offer many ladies’ events and Bible studies that focus on the spiritual and physical well-being of our ladies. Through this process, we encourage ladies to be disciples and find ways to minister in the community and abroad. We offer several mission projects throughout the year to help women get plugged into the community and to help utilize their spiritual gifts.